3D visualization


Visit the two exhibitions Sabine Hertig | BREAK UP! and IN TRANSIT and move through our rooms: Via 3D visualization from home!

You will find individual points from which you can access our audio guide on Soundcloud and videos on our Youtube channel. We will share more and more details and content with you. This project is a learning process for everyone involved. We are always improving details, such as the quality of the works depicted, the information about them and the user-friendliness.
Katharina Ritter, M.A. (Artistic Director Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Interim) is keen to collaborate with different cultural professionals. Together with students from the HBKsaar, she is also investigating the potential and challenges of art and cultural offerings in digital space, especially in the Saarland. The 3D visualization was created in cooperation with the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar. Contributors: Noelia Gonzales, Prof. Detzler, Katja Pilisi, Prof. Winzen.


#ArtFromHome #ClosedbutOpen #3D visualization #audioguide

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Logo Sofortprogramm für Coronabedingte Investitionen in Kultureinrichtungen
Logo Bundesverband für Soziokultur