Moris and Gianfranco Foschino
06.11.2015 - 31.01.2016
Moris - The Triumph of the Rat
Installationsansicht, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Gianfranco Foschino, MORIS, Foto: Kuschnir - Stadtgalerie
Installationsansicht, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Gianfranco Foschino, MORIS, Foto: Kuschnir - Stadtgalerie
Installationsansicht, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Gianfranco Foschino, MORIS, Foto: Kuschnir - Stadtgalerie
Israel Meza Moreno – better known as Moris – belongs to a young generation of Mexican artists whose installations grow out of the raw material and the waste ejected by the megacity of Mexico City. After graduating from the National Art Academy La Esmeralda, Moris discovered the artistic appeal of the underworld that surrounds him. The violence and poverty of metropolitan life find an expression in Moris’s environments, that not only invade the exhibition space but affect our own sensibility and way of perception. Consequently, bourgeois categories, like high and low culture are turned upside down and the brutality, the fighting for survival in the underworld reveal the faults of established society.
Gianfranco Foschino - Hidden Stories
With his quiet and at the same time suspenseful video works Gianfranco Foschino belongs to a young generation of Latin American artists who received international acclaim for their poetic and sociopolitical intensity. In 2011 his works were presented at the Venice Biennale for the first time and again in 2014 at the award-winning Chilean Pavilion. Foschino works at the boundary between photography and cinema. He records with a fixed video camera focused on one motif over a long period of time: natural landscapes, urban or rural scenes. At first glance they can be mistaken for photographs, but at a closer look Foschino’s pictures show elements of motion. He captures moments that seem to have fallen out of time, images, that exist outside of the hectic life of our times and therefore attract even more attention.