Tupamaras Technophallus by Anna Ehrenstein

18 February - 15 May 2022

From 18 February to 15 May 2022, the Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken presents the artist Anna Ehrenstein and photographer Lukas Ratius in two solo exhibitions. Get a small foretaste of both artistic practices!

The German-Albanian artist Anna Ehrenstein (born in 1993) investigates forms of knowledge and their construction. Garish sculptural and virtual installations interrogate representation and self-image. Ehrenstein's multidisciplinary practice reveals power structures, their culturally various interpretations and shows how media shape world affairs.

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Plakat Anna Ehrenstein Tupamaras Technophallus - Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken

Plakat Anna Ehrenstein Tupamaras Technophallus - Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken

Plakat Anna Ehrenstein Tupamaras Technophallus - Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken

The artwork Tupamaras Technophallus was created in collaboration with the Bogota based vogueing and performance collective “House of Tupamaras”. A 360° VR Video assemblage, sculptural works of extended photography and installations explore embodied knowledge, war in disguise, gender fluidity, future dangers of algorithmic preconceptions due to data gaps or the role of “emerging” artists in “emerging” contexts.

Ehrenstein studied photography and media art in Germany and also attended curatorial classes in Valetta (Malta) and Lagos (Nigeria).







Many thanks to Office Impart and ME Saar for their kind support. 

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