The laureate 2021

Akosua Viktoria Adu-Sanyah

The 15th Robert Schuman Art Prize goes to the German-Ghanaian artist Akosua Viktoria Adu-Sanyah, nominated for Saarbrücken.

In her installation, Akosua Viktoria Adu-Sanyah deals with her German-Ghanaian origin and the resulting social realities of life. She questions and liberates identity and pushes the medium of photography into new realms.

According to the jury's statement, there is a story in each of the artist's works, which she makes visible and tangible in an unobtrusive way.  Also characteristic of her work is the modern combination of cultural research and journalistic methods. With the help of analogue photography, she creates, among other things, photographic sculptures that are as aesthetic as they are socio-political and poetic in a personal way. The biographical examination is both topical and socially relevant. The works are convincing individually, but also together in the installation, which opens up a space of memory to which visitors have low-threshold access.

The award ceremony

Video by Frederic Zenner

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